
This weeks online team newspaper has been published

This weeks issue of the team newspaper has been published and is live! You can view it online here easy.

Also, thanks to Anita for the very nice email (below). Anita is new to the team and she's off to a great start building her Lotto Magic team!

Paper.li Fan Mail

Hi Whitney,

One of your fans from Lotto Magic Team News has sent you a message:

Hi Whitney Jacqueline, I am a new member of your team. Excited to get my team moving. Thanks for the newsletter.

Have a nice day!
The Paper.li team

Welcome to Your New Home Business - Lotto Magic.
Welcome to the team Anita!
Visit Anita today and learn about lotto pools and find out how you can start your own business from home just like her. See what Lotto Magic has to offer you, and what they've offered to thousands of other home business owners since 1996!  http://www.lottomagiconline.com/?R1951


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Thank you for your comment. At the Lotto Magic team we appreciate your visit and your comments, opinions and statements too - have a great day there!