
Lotto Magic Team Advertising on Facebook!

First of all thanks to all current team members and also thanks to the team member's that have joined the team recently. It really is YOU that generates the team income which can then be rolled back into advertising and marketing for the direct benefit of you and your team - it is appreciated!

With team growth (and additional income) we can expand into other marketing platforms to grow your team even bigger and better but more importantly 100% free for you and your team. We have expanded the team advertising to Facebook, yea the Grandaddy of them all and it's working out great after only a week of testing, mainly because the ads can be highly targeted to those interested in lotto pools or the lottery itself.

For more on what's happening with this team marketing project you can check out the updates added to the free team ads page there at the team site - click the image below to view.

Lotto Magic Team Advertising on Facebook

Note: There was an SEO company hired last month to "tweak" the team images shown to the masses through Google images, you can read more about that further down on the free team advertising page. Then go to Google images to see what they did for us, it's nice and was well worth the investment.

Have a nice Sunday and remember to hug your children!



Anonymous said...

I really like your post.
Thanks for sharing such great information. It is very informative and provides knowledge of facebook advertising

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Thank you for your comment. At the Lotto Magic team we appreciate your visit and your comments, opinions and statements too - have a great day there!