
Lotto Magic Domain Name Forwarding

It's always a good marketing method to use a "custom" domain name. You can then have your domain name automatically "forward" your visitors to your free main Lotto Magic site, the free mini site provided to you by the team, or to either of your two "lead capture" pages available to you from the company.

The best part is that a custom domain name gives you the ability to better describe "what your business is about" before anyone clicks on your link, and it's also more likely to increase your click-through rates at the same time. Yea, and you do want people to click through to your site of course.

Using Domain Forwarding with Lotto Magic
Here's an example of what Joseph did... He registered the domain name www.LottoPooler.com, (very good name choice and directly related to Lotto Magic), he then forwarded the domain to his Team Free Lotto Magic site Sweet?... you betcha it is.

1. So an offline or online ad is placed using: www.lottopooler.com

2. Visitors are forwarded to and can learn about lotto pools at his free team site: www.teamfreelottomagic.com/P7079

3. Then they can learn even more at this Lotto Magic site and join his team directly via: www.lottomagiconline.com/?P7079

Nice job Joseph!


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