Team building with Lotto Magic, what do we do for YOU...

I've been asked "How doe's the Lotto Magic Team down line building system actually work?"

I've explained to others that visitors are generated in numerous ways through offline and online marketing. These visitors then go to the various team related sites and from there the visitors are sent through the "free team URL rotator". From the team URL rotator they're sent to a team member (your) Lotto Magic website.

Sure, it sounds simply enough however as a graphics guy I relate better to images so I took everything about the already proven team building system and I created a  graphical view of how the visitors are generated, where they're sent and I show how they end up being "funneled" to YOUR Lotto Magic site.

Click the image to super-size it for easier viewing.

Team marketing project update: The new team site is finished! It's scheduled to go live this weekend, so visit the site early next week to see what's there. A final launch announcement will take place in the next couple of days as soon as the site is live and available to the masses. What is the traffic magnet focus? "What is a Lotto Pool" and much more!

New team "core" site video's added: The newer team core site called Lotto Magic Network has recently had the free team video's updated, take a look and see what YOU and your team receive 100% free when you join us.

Bob-a-roonie (or just Bob)

Note: The League of Gamblers information originally located here has been removed. So... please feel free to check out our perpetual bankroll slot machine video at the Lotto Magic Team YouTube channel.



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